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Scp 049 かっこいい-SCP049 ist eine etwa 1,90 Meter hohe humanoide Entität, die das Erscheinungsbild eines mittelalterlichen Seuchendoktors trägt · Guten /Mittag/AbendIch wollte eigentlich dieses System mit SCP049 und seine Mischungen "hinterfragen", auch habe ich allgemeine FragenFalls es möglich ist, würde ich gerne einiges wissen und genau diese Fragen stellen;

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· scp049는 자신을 의사라고 소개하며, 지금 전세계에는 역병(scp049가 부르는 흑사병의 명칭 물론 흑사병과 뜻은 같다)이 돌고 있고, 자신이 그 역병을 치료하고 있으며, 모든 역병을 치료하는 것이 자신의 사명이라고 밝히고 있다 3 또한 자신의 치료법이 역병에 제일 효과적이긴 하지만 완벽하진 · Hat den Titel des Themas von „SCP049 vorderZellentür aufbrechbar machen" zu „ZellenvorraumTor von SCP049 aufbrechbar machen" geändert mcNuggets Communityowner Punkte 6037 Beiträge 6512 Errungenschaften 42 10 Mai 21 1 #2; · SCP049, also referred to as the Plague Doctor, is a Euclidclass object under the SCP Foundation's containment It is a humanoid figure that resembles a 1516th century European Plague Doctor, with a black robe and a whitebeaked mask 1 Origin 2
Scp049 Scratcher Joined 1 month, 1 week ago United States About me "Greetings"French boiProb the most mature scp in da foundationI am da cure (I don't take rping as scp049 very serious,so don't think i'll be very mature) What I'm working on PLesE sub to my future yt channel!I'll post the name when i create it Featured Project Ref sheet for my SCP OC What I'veSCP049 OC Artwork 33 comments share save hide report 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up Sort by best level 1 Bot Moderator of r/SCP, speaking officially 4 months ago · Stickied comment Locked Articles mentioned in this submission SCP049 Plague Doctor (3221) by Gabriel Jade, djkaktus Vote share Report Save level 1 4 months ago HolySCP049 is a Killer in Midnight Horrors SCP049 originates from the SCP Foundation's entries of SCP049 (The Plague Doctor), however, his behavior is based off of how he behaves in SCP Containment Breach, a fangame themed after SCP049's entry in the foundation hubSCP049 also appears in a Team Fortress 2 mod titled Slender Fortressas one of the many bosses
SCP049 to wysoka humanoidalna postać, która wydaje się być ubrana w długie czarne szaty i białą maskę Jednak po dalszych badaniach okazało się, że te przedmioty są częścią fizycznego ciała SCP049, będąc czymś na wzór jego mięśni Osobowość SCP049 jest zawsze bardzo opanowany, pełen szacunku i uprzejmy, więc nie podejmuje żadnych prób ucieczki Wydaje się,SCP049, aka "The Plague Doctor", is a Playable SCP He spawns in his containment cell in Heavy Containment Zone SCP049's ingame model looks like a medieval plague doctor wearing pitch black clothing and having glowing red eyes His objective is to "cure" everyone except other SCPs · SCP049 – An archaic plague doctor with the sole intent of "curing" those ridden with the "pestilence" Contact means death, but only momentarily;


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Wear your mask, SCP049 is here Courtesy of Voice Doctor AEIOU #CommunityVoice Import the voice https//wwwvoicemodnet/sharevoice/?code=0525e4a4You may find that one of the side effects of the good doctor's surgery is being denied such an easy endSCP049, also referred to as the Plague Doctor, is a Euclidclass object under the SCP Foundation's containment It is a humanoid figure that resembles a 1516th century European Plague Doctor, with a black robe and a whitebeaked mask Appearance SCP049 is a tall humanoid figure that appears to be garnished in long black robes and a whitebeaked mask

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Sicherheitsmaßnahmen SCP049DE wird im StandortDE10 im Sicherheitsschließfach Nr122 aufbewahrt Der Schlüssel für das Schließfach befindet sich im Besitz von Dr Radion Nur dem Personal mit einer Sicherheitsfreigabe Level 3 ist es gestattet, SCP049DE aus dem für es vorgesehenen Schließfach zu entfernen · SCP049 (Pauses and glares at Dr Hamm) Yes, well, it is not a perfect cure But that will come with time And further experimentation!SCP049 is a humanoid entity which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor While SCP049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP049's body over time, and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them

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SCP049's big nose Description edit edit source SCP049 is a humanoid entity that which bears the appearance of a medieval Plague Doctor, SCP049 is filled with joy when he senses a presence of a Hostile Enemy SCP049 will attempt to cure the Hostile Enemy and will only retreat when he feels he's in danger · Wenn da ein SCP049Spieler dafür einen Warn bekommen hat, ist das definitiv nicht gerechtfertigt und sich dementsprechend zu melden 3 Suga 10 Mai 21 Hat das Thema geschlossen Suga 10 Mai 21 Hat den Titel des Themas von „Darf 049 tote CTler im HazmatSuit "heilen"?" zu „Darf SCP049 tote CTler im HazmatSuit "heilen"?" geändert System Montag,During transport, SCP049 must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness (including a locking collar and extension restraints) and monitored by no fewer than two armed guards While SCP049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, outbursts or sudden changes in behaviour are to be met with elevated force

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Scp049 114 likes · 2 talking about this I sense the disease in you I am the cure128 Explore tizalay's board "Scp 049" onSCP049, officially called the "Plague Doctor", or more commonly called "Plague" appears to be a humanoid entity dressed as a medieval Plague Doctor wearing black robes which cannot be taken off, practically being a part of SCP049's body SCP049 is able to instantly kill anyone that comes into contact with it

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During transport, SCP049 must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness (including a locking collar and extension restraints) and monitored by no fewer than two armed guards While SCP049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, outbursts or sudden changes in behaviour are to be met with elevated forceView, comment, download and edit scp 049 2 Minecraft skinsSCP049 is a Euclid Class anomaly also known as the Plague DoctorThe Plague Doctor is one of the most mysterious creatures in SCP Foundation containment Wh

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